TGC Photo Packages

Welcome TGC Families. Every purchase will donate 50% of the proceeds to TGC. Please make sure your email is correct on the payment form .If you have any questions please email me at

Please print and fill out the form. Turn in your form the day of the photo session along with your cash or check payment. If you would like to pay via Zelle or Venmo please scan the QR codes on the order form

When you submit your payment please note your daughter’s name and your phone number so I can make sure you get the correct package ordered for you. Please make sure to fill out a form and note on the form that you paid via Zelle or Venmo.

And thank you for purchasing photos. 

Veronica Branson

Package 1

$20 Digital Files only-

You will receive one Individual and one group digital file.

Package 2

$40 Digital files plus one 8by10 group print, two 5by7 individual student prints, and 4 wallets